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One TOML file to rule them all
official ofiuco rules for multi-version multi-target Python setup

Michael Krasnyk

July 18, 2024

Random fun fact

The term "ofiuco" refers to the constellation Ophiuchus, which is known as the "Serpent Bearer" in English.

The name origin is from the Greek ὀφιοῦχος with the Latinized form Ophiuchus /​ˌɒfiˈjuːkəs​/ which was further simplified to ofiuco /​o.fiˈu.ko​/ in some languages.

The brightest star is Rasalhague from the Arabic الحواء رأس

Ref in-the-sky.org

Multi-platform Python setup at ruumi

Motivation for a "yet another Python rules" was:

  • Running production artifacts on
    • AWS Lambda running on arm64 architecture with Python 3.10—3.12 runtimes and packaged as a Zip file which will be executed on Amazon Linux 2 or 2023 with some pre-installed packages like boto3. The lambdas must be small and used as pre-filters for SNS messages via AWS SQS
    • AWS Batch processing jobs running on AWS Fargate Spot packaged as Docker images and pushed to AWS ECS
    • Services on AWS EC2
  • Development workflows on
    • Developer machines with MacOS aarch64 or Linux x86_64
    • Training machines with NVIDIA card locally or at AWS SageMaker
    • GitHub Actions for CI/CD
  • Deployment via AWS CDK in TypeScript

ofiuco workflow

name = "pytorch"
url = "https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121/"
priority = "explicit"

awslambdaric = "^2.0.4"
boto3 = "1.28.72"
botocore = "1.31.72"
safetensors = {version = "0.4.0", extras = ["numpy"]}
timm = "^0.9.10"
torch = [
  {platform = "darwin", version = "2.2.1", source="pypi"},
  {platform = "linux", url = "https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121/torch-2.2.1%2Bcu121-cp312-cp312-linux_x86_64.whl"},
torchinfo = "^1.8.0"
torchvision = [
   {version = "0.17.1"},
   {platform = "linux", version = "0.17.1", source="pytorch"},
  • Generate a lock file as poetry update or using poetry_update rule defined at @ofiuco//python:poetry.bzl

  • Add poetry.lock file parsing to MODULE.bazel as
poetry = use_extension("@ofiuco//python:extensions.bzl", "poetry")
    name = "poetry",
    lock = "@//tools/build_rules:poetry.lock",
use_repo(poetry, "poetry")
  • Use Python dependencies as
    name = "model",
    srcs = [
    data = [
    deps = [

  • Add virtual environments if needed
load("@ofiuco//python:py_venv.bzl", "py_venv")

    name = "torch",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    deps = [

Multiple platforms for AWS Lambda

Let's define a platform in BUILD file as

    name = "aws_lambda",
    constraint_values = [

and Python lambda as

    name = "lambda",
    srcs = ["lambda.py"],
    deps = [


  • running unit tests in a host environment
  • integration tests where lambda is packed as a zip file for a fixed target platform
  • deployment has to be done for a platform which is defined from configuration
  • awslambdaric and boto3 packages shall not be included into zip package
  • shapely package must have correct binary files

Platform transitions

The rule load("@ofiuco//lib:py_zip.bzl", "py_zip") has an attribute which is used as a transition configuration for target:

    name = "deploy_aws_lambda",
    platform = ":aws_lambda",
    target = ":lambda",

Also possible to exclude files from the target zip by path patterns

    exclude = [

        # Ignore some packages since hey are provided by AWS Lambda runtime context.

OCI deployment

Define command_aws_batch as

load("@rules_multirun//:defs.bzl", "command_with_transition", "multirun_with_transition")

def _aws_batch_platforms_impl(settings, attr):
    return {"//command_line_option:platforms": [":aws_batch"]}

aws_batch_transition = transition(
    implementation = _aws_batch_platforms_impl,
    inputs = [],
    outputs = ["//command_line_option:platforms"],

command_aws_batch = command_with_transition(aws_batch_transition)

Define :deploy target as a push command with transition to aws_batch

    name = "worker_tarball",
    image = ":worker_image",
    repo_tags = ["repo/project:latest"],
    tags = ["manual"],

    name = "worker_push",
    image = ":worker_image",
    remote_tags = ["latest"],
    repository = ecr_registry.format(id = aws_account_id, region = aws_default_region,) + "/repo/project",
    tags = ["manual"],

    name = "deploy",
    arguments = [],
    command = ":worker_push",
    tags = ["manual"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

How it works under the hood

  • Lock files are parsed in a repository context and BUILD files is generated with declarations
  name = "anyio",
  constraint = "anyio==4.4.0",
  description = "High level compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations",
  files = {
    "anyio-4.4.0-py3-none-any.whl": "sha256:c1b2d8f46a8a812513012e1107cb0e68c17159a7a594208005a57dc776e1bdc7",
    "anyio-4.4.0.tar.gz": "sha256:5aadc6a1bbb7cdb0bede386cac5e2940f5e2ff3aa20277e991cf028e0585ce94",
  deps = [":exceptiongroup", ":idna", ":sniffio", ":typing-extensions", "tomli", "pyreadline3", "colorama"],
  markers = '''{"exceptiongroup":"python_version < \\\"3.11\\\"",
                "typing-extensions":"python_version < \\\"3.11\\\"",
                "tomli":"python_version < \\\"3.11\\\"",
                "pyreadline3":"sys_platform == \\\"win32\\\" and python_version >= \\\"3.8\\\"",
                "colorama":"platform_system == \\\"Windows\\\""}''',
  visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
  • package rule executed in a rule context with resolved toolchains
    • "@bazel_tools//tools/python:toolchain_type" which is used to resolve markers and collect required dependencies
    • "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type" which is used to compile wheels if no binary files provided
    • exec configuration Python toolchain to run pip install command with listed files and corresponding SHA256 checks

What is missing or not yet finished

Thank you for your time!

I welcome any feedback on the rules and would be glad to make them "official", [sic].